Roast Turkey With Sausage-Gumbo Stuffing


TABASCO® Herb Butter

Prepare stuffing: Melt butter in 12-inch skillet over medium heat; add celery, bell peppers and onion. Cook 5 minutes; add okra. Cook 5 minutes longer, stirring occasionally, until vegetables are just tender. Remove mixture to large bowl.
Heat oil in same skillet over medium-high heat; add sausage, cook until well browned on all sides, stirring occasionally. With tongs, remove browned sausage to cutting board; when cool enough to handle, cut into 1/2-inch cubes. Add to bowl with vegetables.
In drippings remaining in skillet, add shrimp; sauté over medium-high heat until just tender. Combine shrimp, toasted bread cubes, chicken broth, egg, parsley and TABASCO® Sauce in bowl; toss to mix well. Set aside.
Prepare Turkey: Preheat oven to 325° F.
Remove giblets and neck from turkey. (Set aside if using for gravy.) Rinse turkey under running cold water; drain well. Pat dry with paper towels.
Prepare TABASCO® Herb Butter: Combine butter, parsley and TABASCO® Sauce in small bowl. Carefully loosen skin on turkey breast; with hand, spread TABASCO® herb butter between skin and breast. Stuff neck and body cavities loosely with stuffing.* Close both cavities with skewers and string. Tie legs together; tuck wings under body. Place turkey, breast-side up, on rack in open roasting pan.
Roast about 3 hours or until juices run clear when pierced with a fork or meat thermometer reads 180° F, basting occasionally with pan drippings during roasting. Remove turkey from pan to serving platter. Reserve drippings in pan for gravy, if desired. Let turkey stand 15 minutes before carving.
Garnish with okra, champagne grapes and herbs, if desired.
* Place any remaining stuffing in baking dish; cover with foil. Place in oven 45 minutes before end of roasting time. Serve with turkey.